Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

Prof. Dorel Lucanu, Assist. Prof./ Stefan Ciobaca, and PhD student Andrei Arusoaie from Univ. Iasi (Romania) visited us in July 2013. We initiated work on language-independent program-verification techniques and on the formal definitions of the HiHope and HoMade assembler languages, as well as on the formally proved correctness of compilation between these languages.


Kanwarjeet Dhaliwal made his internship in the Dreampal team from May to July 2013. He worked on the formal semantics of the parallel version of Hihope, and also made a preliminary work to compile Hihope to the Kalray's MPPA platform. This work was partially funded by Kalray (http://www.kalray.eu ).

Visits to International Teams

In June 2013, Rabie Ben Atitallah and Wissem Chouchene visited Michael Huebner, Professor and Chair for Embedded Systems in Information Technique (ESIT) at the Ruhr-University of Bochum. The objective is to establish a new collaboration in the field of 3D FPGA next generation.

In October 2013, Andrei Arusoaie visited the team of Prof. Grigore Roşu at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, where he worked on implementing the symbolic domains used in our language-independent symbolic execution and verification tool. He benefitted from the guest team's expertise on symbolic domains.